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书籍名称:Chinese Drama, A Historical Survey ( 《中国戏剧简史》 )
作者:Colin Mackerras (马克林)
The first genre of theatrical performances in China which can certainly be classified as real and fully developed drama was the nanxi ("southern drama"). The southern dramas had stories and performers who impersonated and dressed themselves as characters in such a way as to portray a relatively complex interrelationship among these characters. They thus satisfied all the characteristics laid down as essential for the category "drama" in the definition offered in the Introduction to this book.
The Southern Drama of the Song
The time of origin of the southern drama is probably the twelfth century. The Ming Dynasty writer Zhu Yunming (1461-1527) says it arose in the Xuanhe period, which ran from 1119 to 1125, and this would put the origin just before the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty. However, it could quite easily have been in existence for some time before drawing the attention of anybody likely to notice it and comment on it in writing. This is because it was initially a folk creation, though there is no doubt that components of the Song zaju also found their way into this new form of art.
The place of origin was Wenzhou near the southeast coast of Zhejiang Province. One of the early names of this art form was "the zaju of Wenzhou." In later centuries this southern form was to wield an immense influence over the Chinese drama, above all though not exclusively in the south of China.
Among the earliest of the southern dramas, we know the titles of 113 through the work of the dramatist, writer and artist Xu Wei (1521-93) , and fragmented texts have survived of some of them. Of the content of the stories of the early southern dramas,a contemporary history of Chinese theatre writes as follows:
What is worth noting is that of the hundred and more southern dramas almost half are stories describing love, marriage and family. Through describing various kinds of love and marriage contradictions, these works expose the miserable treatment of women in feudal society, and reflect the clash of moral viewpoints in different classes. Among the southern dramas, the largest number advocate free and non-arranged marriage by praising the freedom of love.
One of the very few early southern dramas the text of which survives in full is Zhang Xie zhuangyuan (Top Graduate ZhangXie) . It is the oldest extant drama in the history of Chinese literature, and may well date from the early thirteenth century. It concerns the scholar Zhang Xie who marries a poor girl, comes top in the official examinations and as a result is invited by the prime minister to marry his daughter. Zhang then disowns the poor girl and even tries unsuccessfully to kill her with a sword. Later on, the prime minister's real daughter dies of grief and he adopts the poor girl as his foster daughter, then arranging for a wedding between her and Zhang Xie. After she exposes and denounces him and his behaviour towards her, the two are reconciled and every one is happy,Another work, which Xu Wei mentions as a famous southern drama of the late twelfth century, is Zhao zhennü Cai Erlang (Chaste Woman Zhao and Second Master Cai) . Like Top Graduate Zhang Xie, it is about a faithless husband who deserts his wife in favour of the prime minister's daughter when he comes top in the official examinations; later he is killed by shock as a result of a thunder clap.