Intersections of Culture,
Language and History
Schedule / 日程(8.26-8.29)
"Sino-Balcanica: Intersections of Culture, Language and History" is organized by the Knowledge Center for Sinology co-constructed by the World Sinology Center of Beijing Language and Culture University and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.The conference will be held in North Macedonia from August 26 to 29, 2023, with a view to promoting the development of Sinology in this region and exploring the construction of a global network for dialogue among civilizations.
26 August / 8月26日
Royal View Hotel, Ohrid
奥赫里德 Royal View 酒店
Arrival and Registration
27 August / 8月27日
House of Urania, Ohrid
奥赫里德 Urania楼
Opening ceremony of the Conference
1. Address by Academician Ljupco Kocarev, President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / 马其顿科学与艺术学院院长Ljupco Kocarev致辞
2. Address by Xu Baofeng, Director of the World Sinology Centre of Beijing Language and Culture University / 北京语言大学世界汉学中心主任徐宝锋致辞
3. Address by Zhang Zuo, Ambassador of China to N. Macedonia / 中国驻北马其顿大使张佐致辞
4. Address by Academician Vitomir Mitevski, Director of the Lexicographical Centre at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / 马其顿科学与艺术学院词辞书学研究中心主任Vitomir Mitevski院士致辞
Coffee break
First Session: Sino-Balcanica: Intersections of Culture
1. Sara Cvetanovska: The Evolution of Macedonian Sinology: A Comprehensive Review of Research, Publications, and Prominent Authors / 《马其顿汉学的进化:学术、出版物和著名作者的综合回顾》
2. Pablo Robert Moreno, Autonomous University of Madrid /马德里自治大学 : An early case of culture and language intersection: Luo Wenzao (1617-1691), a Chinese among Spanish friars. / 《文化与语言早期接触案例:西班牙修士中的中国人罗文藻 (1617-1691)》
3. Elena Avramidou, Ionian University / 爱奥尼亚大学: Confucian and Platonic Governance: A Comparative Approach / 《比较视角下的儒家与柏拉图式治理》
4. Zhao Hongjuan / 赵洪娟, Qingdao Science and Technology University / 青岛科技大学: The Spring Festivities East and West: A Comparative Study of the Chinese Chunshe and the Greek Dionysia / 《中西春节节庆:中国春社与希腊酒神节比较研究》
5. Ivica Bakota, Capital Normal University – Beijing / 首都师范大学: Chinese studies in Croatia: A Comparative perspective / 《比较视野下的克罗提亚中国学》
6. Fang Chaohui / 方朝晖, Qinghua University, Nishan World Confucian Centre / 清华大学,尼山世界儒学中心: How did the “Dao” Become the Highest Principle in Chinese Culture / 《“道”何以成为中国文化的最高原则?》
7. Zhidas Daskalovski, Saint Clement of Ohrid University – Bitola / 比托拉奥赫里德的圣克莱门特大学: Cultural competition between USA and China as a factor of world politics /《中美文化竞争作为世界政治的一个因素》
8. Zhao Wei / 赵玮, Yunnan University / 云南大学: China-Balkans Cultural Communications from the Perspective of the “Belt and Road” Initiative / 《“一带一路”视野下的中国—巴尔干地区文化交流》
Visit to Ohrid old town / 文化考察:奥赫里德古城
Second Session: Sino-Balcanica: Intersections of Language / 第二论坛:中国——巴尔干:语言的交互
1. Igor Radev, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / 马其顿科学与艺术学院: Sinicizing Nicaea: Translation Strategies within the Jǐngjiào texts in Tang China / 《尼西亚公会议的中文化:论唐代景教文献中翻译策略》
2. Katica Kjulavkova, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / 马其顿科学与艺术学院: Synergy between poetry and culture, myth and reality, East and West: Contemporary Chinese women poets Zhao Si and Li Suo / 《诗歌与文化之间及神话与现实之间的协同作用:中国当代女性诗人赵四和里所》
3. Elena Damjanoska, Ss Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje / 斯科普里圣基里尔麦托迪大学: Comparative Analysis of the Historical Narratives in Pirej by P.M. Andreevski and Red Sorghum by Mo Yan /《P. M. Andreevski〈偃麦草〉与莫言〈红高粱家族〉中历史叙事比较分析》
4. Natasha Avramovska, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje / 斯科普里圣基里尔麦托迪大学: The complex symbolism of feminine tears: Su Tong’s Binu and the Great Wall (2006) and Xinran’s The good Women of China (2002) /《苏童〈碧奴〉(2006)和薛欣然〈中国好女人们〉(2002)中女性眼泪的复杂象征》
(Coffee break: 15 min. / 咖啡时间: 15分钟)
1. Ma Mingzong /马明宗, Sichuan University / 四川大学: Some Newly-discovered Classics of early China and Their Scholarly Value /《新发现文献中的经典及其学术意义》
2. Ana Jovanović, University of Belgrade / 贝尔格莱德大学: Heaven and Earth – Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and Serbian Idiomatic Expressions Containing Lexemes 天 / tiān/, 地 / dì/, nebo and zemlja / 《天和地:对比分析汉语和塞尔维亚语中包含 “天” / nebo及“地” / zemlja 这两词位的惯用语》
3. Wang Jiong / 王冏, Confucius Institute at Sibiu University – Romania / 罗马尼亚锡比乌大学孔子学院: Annotation in Translation from the Perspective of World Literature / 《从世界文学角度看翻译中注解》
4. Antonia Tsankova, Sofia University “St Clement of Ohrid” / 索非亚圣克莱门特奥赫里德大学: The Concept of Love in Ancient Chinese Folk Poetry / 《古代中国民俗诗歌中“爱”的概念》
5. Shu Dagang / 舒大刚, Sichuan University / 四川大学: The Place in History of Chinese Classics and their Contemporary Value / 《中华经典的历史地位与当代价值》
8月28日 / 28 August
House of Urania, Ohrid:
奥赫里德 Urania楼:
Third Session: Sino-Balcanica: Intersections of History / 第三论坛:中国——巴尔干:历史的交互
1. Xu Baofeng / 徐宝锋, Beijing Language and Culture University / 北京语言大学: The Ecological Construction and Contemporary Development of Balkan Sinology /《巴尔干地区汉学的生态建设与当代发展》
2. Maxim Korolkov, Heidelberg University / 海德堡大学: Converging roads to prosperity? Egalitarianism, institutional innovation, and economic growth in ancient China and Greece /《通往繁荣的汇合之路?——古代中国与希腊的平均主义、制度创新及经济增长》
3. Maria Marinova, Sofia University “St Clement of Ohrid” / 索非亚圣克莱门特奥赫里德大学: The Tripod as a Vessel for Divination in the Cultures of Ancient China and the Balkans / 《古代中国与巴尔干文化中作为占卜工具的鼎》
4. Jelena Gledić, University of Belgrade / 贝尔格莱德大学: China and the Western Balkans: Bonding through adversity / 《中国与西巴尔干:逆境中的粘合》
(Coffee break: 15 min. / 咖啡时间: 15分钟)
1. Chu Yanhong / 褚艳红, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences / 上海社会科学院: Chinese women’s history in American Scholarship / 《美国学术中的中国妇女史》
2. Dragi Mitrevski, Ss Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje / 斯科普里圣基里尔麦托迪大学:On the Creation of the First Polities in the Balkans: The Significance of Cultural Continuity / 《论巴尔干地区早期政体的创建:文化连续性的意义》
3. Cui Jianmin / 崔建民, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences / 中国社会科学院: Constructing New China Studies Derived from the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation / 《构建立足中华民族现代文明的新中国学》
4. Marsela Musabelliu, Albanian Institute for Globalization Studies / 阿尔巴尼亚全球化研究院: When intense exchanges between people imprint in history and society / 《历史及社会中人类深度交流的印记》
5. Zhao Wenying / 赵文英, Yunnan University / 云南大学: On the Practical Value of the Concept of “Unity between Nature and Man” in the Context of Dissemination of the Idea of Ecological Civilization /《论“天人合一”思想对生态文明思想传播的实践价值》
Visit of sites of cultural importance in Ohrid city and Ohrid lake area /参观奥赫里德市和奥赫里德湖旁边的文化景点
29 August / 8月29日