5月26日,由绍兴市文化广电旅游局、绍兴市人民政府外事办公室、鲁迅文化基金会共同主办的“绍兴文旅国际化推广暨大师对话10周年”庆典活动在绍兴柯桥鲁镇大剧院盛大举办。 北京语言大学一带一路研究院院长、世界汉学中心主任徐宝锋教授作为本场活动特邀嘉宾出席,并发表题为《“大师对话”让我们的世界更有光亮》主旨演讲。 现将《“大师对话”让我们的世界更有光亮》(Master Dialogue makes our world brighter)全文刊载如下,以飨各位读者。 “大师对话” 让我们的世界更有光亮 人类文明史上最有效而又深远的交流是思想的交流。沟通心灵,触摸彼此不同文明之间的精神源流,去发现人类的共通价值,共同面对共同的危机和挑战,这一系列的人类交流活动本身在当今历史激荡转折的全球化语境中显得尤为重要。 大师是能够进行全球文明对话的最有效、最具感染力和影响力的思想者群体,他们的文字、语言和历史性文本都颇具时代的影响力和历史穿透力。他们以自己所处文明中的卓越贡献和真知灼见贯通了人类思想的平流层,超越了一切政治、经济、历史、哲学、宗教的现实羁绊,使人类之间的相互理解与共同奋斗成为了可能。当我们面对孔子和苏格拉底,鲁迅与巴尔扎克等大师们系列经典文本时,我们所感知到的是如微风拂面的惬意,是如醇酒对饮过程中的陶醉与放松,是纵观沧海之际的情怀激荡与豪迈。 从大师们那里,我们领悟到的是天下之达道,触碰到的是人类情感最柔软和最温暖的部分。在座的各位大师的后人们庚读了大师们给我们留下的宝贵的人文激流,使我们在大师们逝去后仍能以对话的形式感知到他们的光、他们的思想以及他们不朽的精神。 自周令飞先生2014年启动“大师对话”以来,十年间,雨果、托尔斯泰、泰戈尔、夏目漱石、但丁、海涅、马克吐温、萧伯纳等一个个大师巨匠通过其后人们的双方互访,举办论坛、讲座、座谈会、朗诵会、展览、演出等方式展开了深入的交流与碰撞,让我们在历史的回眸中,感知到了中外伟大文学家们为文明进步呕心沥血的生命历程。如鲁迅先生所说:“人类最好是彼此不隔膜,相关心。然而最平正的道路,只有用艺术来沟通。”我不知2014年的周令飞受到了来自祖父什么样的启示,但这十年间,我们却实实在在地见证了跨越时空,超越隔膜的“对话”的力量。十年间,每次活动的能量场正在汇聚成一束光,在不断地照亮周围的世界,照进我们每个人的内心,也照进了我们今天活动的柯桥鲁镇大剧院,并将继续照向更深邃的远方。 2023年3月15日,中国国家主席习近平在中国共产党与世界政党高层对话会上提出了“全球文明倡议”,明确指出“当今世界不同国家、不同地区各具特色的现代化道路,植根于丰富多样、源远流长的文明传承。人类社会创造的各种文明,都闪烁着璀璨光芒,为各国现代化积蓄了厚重底蕴、赋予了鲜明特质,并跨越时空、超越国界,共同为人类社会现代化进程作出了重要贡献。”站在时代的高度,我们会发现“大师对话”的前后逻辑与内涵价值方面都切合了“全球文明倡议”的主旨和精神。各种不同文明的发展愿景的重现必须置于良性文明对话中达致。“吹灭别人的灯,并不会让自己更加光明。阻挡别人的路,也不会让自己行得更远。”这自然需要促进各种文明,各种异质性的文化形态间积极开展良性的文明对话,从而取长补短、百花齐放。我们应以更加开放和包容的心态,在和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值指引下,摒弃各种意识形态对抗的主张,积极推进全球文明对话合作网络的构建,促进各国文明对话的路径更明确,平台更宽广,机会更完善。 从十年的历程中我们可以看出,大师对话已然成为了全球文明对话的重要范本。因为我们从鲁迅与世界各国大师的对话中充分感知到了人类文明的发展顺逆与否,都关乎着全世界的命运。文明作为人类的正资产和不动产理应获得全世界人们的保护和呵护。“大师对话”未来也必将助力于全世界的人们共同创造至高至善至美至远的人类文明形态。在此我有三方面的期待与憧憬: 一. 以大师对话资源为依托,构建全球文明互融互鉴的种子库、基因库、作品库和图、文、影、像资源库,以知识共享消除认识盲点,以认识加强增进理解与沟通。 二. 以大师后人为主体,搭建常态化全球性的世界文化精英群体联络沟通机制,形成遍布世界的以纪念馆或博物馆为载体的交流网格。 三. 以大师精神为指引,系统梳理人类多样性文明的精神谱系,奠定人类文明的共同价值和共通的精神节点,为人类未来发展形成智慧性引导。 大师并未逝去,大师们的能量场还在不断汇集,我相信在“周令飞们”和我们的共同努力下,因“对话”而汇聚的人类文明之光必将驱散阴霾,照进更加深远的光明未来。 谢谢大家! Master Dialogue makes our world brighter The most effective and far-reaching exchange in the history of human civilization is the exchange of ideas. In the context of globalization in which the history is changing dramatically, series of human communication activities itself is particularly important to communicate with each other, to touch the spiritual origins of different civilizations, to discover the common values of mankind, and to face common crises and challenges together. Masters are the most effective, appealing and influential group of thinkers who can carry out dialogues among global civilizations. Their writings, languages and historical texts have great influence and historical penetration of the era. With their remarkable contributions and insights from their own civilizations, they have penetrated the stratosphere of human thought, surfacing all the practical constraints of politics, economy, history, philosophy and religion, and making it possible for human beings to understand each other and work together. When we face the series of classic texts of Confucius and Socrates, Lu Xun and Balzac and other masters, what we perceive is the comfort like the breeze blowing on our face, the intoxication and relaxation like when we drink the wine, and the heroic spirit and feelings when we look throughout at the sea. What we’ve learned from the masters is the way of the world, touching the softest and warmest part of human emotion. The descendants of the masters in this room have read the precious human torrent of what great masters left us, which still enables us to perceive their light, their thoughts and their immortal spirit in the form of dialogue after their passing. Since Mr. Zhou Lingfei launched the Master Dialogue in 2014, in the past ten years, great masters such as Hugo, Tolstoy, Tagore, Natsume Soseki, Dante, Heine, Mark Twain, Shaw and so on have conducted in-depth exchanges through descendants’ mutual visits, forums, lectures, symposia, readings, exhibitions, performances, etc. Let us in the historical review perceive the painstaking efforts made by great Chinese and foreign writers for the progress of civilization in their life course. As Mr. Lu Xun said, "It’s best for human beings not to be separated from each other and to care about each other. And the most even road is to communicate with art." I don't know what inspiration Zhou Lingfei got from his grandfather in 2014, but in the past ten years, we have witnessed the power of the Dialogue that transcended time and space. In the past ten years, the energy field of each activity is converging into a beam of light, which continuously illuminates the world around us, shines into the heart of each of us and also shines into Keqiao Lu Town Grand Theatre where we are engaged today and will continue to shine far into the future. On March 15th, 2023, the Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the "Initiative on Global Civilization" at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting, which clearly pointed out that "the distinctive modernization paths of different countries and regions in today's world are rooted in the rich, diverse and time-honored heritage of civilizations. All civilizations created by human society shine brightly. They have accumulated great strength and endowed distinct characteristics for the modernization of various countries and made important contributions to the modernization of human society across time, space and borders." Standing at the height of the era, we will find that the logic and values of the Dialogue are in line with the theme and spirit of the Global Civilization Initiative. The revival of the development visions of different civilizations must be achieved in a dialogue among civilizations in a good atmosphere. "You don't make yourself any brighter by blowing out other people's lights. Standing in someone else's way won't get you any further." Naturally, it’s necessary to promote various civilizations and heterogeneous cultural forms to carry out positive dialogue among civilizations, so as to learn from others’ strength and offset our own weaknesses and let hundreds of flowers bloom together. We should adopt a more open and inclusive mind, reject all calls for ideological confrontation, and work actively to build a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, guided by the common values of all mankind of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom. This will lead to clearer paths, broader platforms and better opportunities for promoting dialogue among civilizations. From the course of ten years, we can see that Master Dialogue has become an important model for global civilization dialogue. As we have fully perceived from Lu Xun's dialogue with world masters that the development of human civilization is related to the fate of the whole world. Civilization as the assets of mankind should be protected and cared by all human beings. In the future, Master Dialogue will also help people in the world jointly create the best and most beautiful form of human civilization. Here I have three aspects of expectations: First, relying on the resources of Master Dialogue, we should build a seed bank, a gene bank and a bank of works as well as resources of pictures, texts, films and images to eliminate blind spots in understanding through knowledge sharing, thus to enhance understanding and communication. Second, with the descendants of masters as the main body, we should establish a normalized and global communication mechanism of world cultural elite groups, forming a communication network with memorial halls or museums as the carrier all over the world. Third, guided by the spirit of great masters, we should systematically draw the spiritual pedigree of diverse human civilizations, lay down the common values of human civilizations and provide wisdom guidance for the future development of mankind. The great masters never leave us, as their energy field is still gathering. I believe that with the joint efforts of Zhou Lingfei and other descendants as well as us, the light of human civilization brought together by the Dialogue will surely dispel the haze and shine into a more far-reaching and bright future. Thank you!