为加强中外影视译制领域的信息沟通与务实合作,支持中外影视译制专业知识与人才交流, 推动中外优秀影视文化作品的互鉴与传播, 增进各国人民互相理解和友谊。由中华人民共和国文化部,国家新闻出版广电总局联合指导,文化部外联局主办的“2018年中外影视译制合作高级研修班”活动将于2018年4月16日至21日、6月12日至18 日分别在北京和上海举办。两期活动将分别与第八届北京国际电影节、第二十四届上海电视节和第二十一届上海国际电影节相结合, 邀请约60名从事中外影视制作、翻译、版权合作方面的国际专业人士参加, 内容涉及论坛研讨、电影节、电视节市场作品选译与洽谈、影视机构走访等(日程安排请见附件)。
如有意参会, 请于3 月15 日前登陆中国文化译研网www.cctss.org 报名, 报名链接为:http://www.cctss.org/show/sfatd/sfatd。研修班组委会将于3 月 15 日组织嘉宾评选工作, 并向最终入选嘉宾发送正式邀请函。正式入选嘉宾的国际往返旅费及参会期间在华食宿、交通等费用将由主办方承担。 未入选嘉宾如愿自行承担研修班相关费用, 并通过组委会评审, 亦可加入本届研修班。 感谢您的理解与支持, 期待您的参与!
“2018 年中外影视译制合作高级研修班” 日程(草案)
2018 Sino-Foreign Audiovisual Translation & Dubbing Cooperation Workshop
Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and hosted by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture, 2018 Sino-Foreign Audiovisual Translation and Dubbing Cooperation Workshop (SFATD) will be held for two sessions in 2018, with the first one in Beijing from April 16 to 21 and the second in Shanghai from June 12 to 18, to provide a platform for dialogues, mutual translation and dubbing cooperation between TV and film industries of China and the world. The Workshop is hosted by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, aiming to strengthen communication and practical cooperation between China and other countries in the field of audiovisual translation and dubbing, support the international sharing of knowledge and talent exchange in the field, encourage the exchange and mutual appreciation of high-quality audiovisual works from different countries, and enhance mutual learning and understanding among all peoples across the globe. In collaboration with the 8th Beijing International Film Festival, the 24th Shanghai TV Festival and the 21st Shanghai International Film Festival respectively, the two sessions of the Workshop will in total invite around 60 international professionals and influential figures specialized in production, translation and dubbing, promotion and academic studies of film and television (see attachment for preliminary itinerary).
If you are interested, you may click here: http://www.cctss.org/show/sfatd/sfatd to apply for participation in either session (not both) of the Workshop before March 15, 2018. The Organizing Committee will send formal invitation to the final participants in two weeks after selection. Final sponsored participants attending the Workshop will have their international round-trip travel expense, as well as local food and accommodation related to the Workshop covered by the organizers. Unsponsored participants who are willing to shoulder their own expenses may attend the event as well after obtaining the approval of the Organizing Committee. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you in China!
Preliminary Itinerary
Second Session: 7 Days, Shanghai